After an experience like cancer, do you go back to the way you were before?
Category: Information
What patients say: Isabelle
What patients say : Laetitia
EXPLORATION Webinar Replay #6
What is the vision of health among the root peoples? How do they think about the origin of the imbalances that generate diseases? Under what conditions is healing possible? How do they envisage prevention?
EXPLORATION Webinar Replay #5
ARS Pays de la Loire conducted the HOSCI project in 2019: 160 people imagine possible and desirable futures for health in 2060/2070
EXPLORATION Webinar Replay #4
With Gregory Ninot, Professor and Researcher at the University of Montpellier and President of the Non-Pharmacological Society - NPIS. Author of the book "100 alternative medicines validated by science".
EXPLORATION Webinar Replay #3
What if, in addition to a conventional follow-up, having recourse to hypnosis, acupuncture or auriculotherapy increased the chances of controlling pain that is sometimes intractable? Two patients share their experiences, with two of the professionals who accompany them.
EXPLORATION Webinar Replay #2
Isabelle Celestin Lhopiteau, Prof. Jacques Kopferschmitt and Grégory Ninot share their visions of this global approach to health.
Global health, integrative medicine and health: what is it?
Integrative medicine and health: what is it? For the Allies, global health is the art of taking care of the living. Of the air, the water, the earth and the places. Of nature. Of plants, animals, humans. Of all of us collectively. At the individual level, it is based on integrative health which promotes an art of living conducive to well-being...
Replay Webinar EXPLORATION #1
5 patients of the association "Ensemble plus forts" testify about their journey in integrative oncology, accompanied by the Institut Rafaël