My Needs
My Health

Today you are...

to have expressed yourselves

Your videos...










Emilie and Gabin






I need...

I need to be able to see a psychologist without having to report to the doctor, to be able to see a physiotherapist without reporting to the doctor. To be able to pay for my consultations only the part that is not reimbursed.
I need to be treated with less medication and in a more natural way.
I need alternative medicine, naturopaths, osteopaths, and many others, to be recognised as useful.
To be able to choose to treat oneself in any way is a freedom, a duty towards ourselves. My body and my mind belong to me, my choice is to use alternative medicine to work on the body's ills and the mind's words. My needs are directed towards acupuncture, phytotherapy and hypnotherapy.
Electrosensitive since 1 year, not easy to be understood by surgeons when we have to be operated. I need them to be trained at least to be aware of our problems, as well as general practitioners! It would also be nice if the treatments and visits to the EHS specialist were covered by the health insurance system.
I need to feel that the different therapists who work with me are working hand in hand and not against each other. There is no competition in the health field and to see professionals from different backgrounds (allopathy, naturopathy, sophrology...) developing a network of mutual aid to support each other's well-being is, in my opinion, one of the best examples we can give to patients. I am also looking for listening, benevolence, compassion and pedagogy so that I can take control of my well-being and gradually become autonomous with regard to my health.
I need my doctor to listen to my needs and adapt his treatment. I would like him to be able to direct me towards complementary therapists and to be in contact with them to support me in all aspects of my health. I would like a space where therapists take the time to listen to me and answer my questions.
I need a return to the reimbursement of homeopathy by the social security system - To promote professional unions allowing the identification of qualified, experienced and competent therapists (e.g.: Syndicat des Professionnels de la Naturopathie) - To promote complementary insurances and mutual insurances covering all or part of the costs of consultations with qualified health practitioners in "care outside a regulated framework": Some mutual insurance companies reimburse consultations with naturopaths and osteopaths and pay a fixed price for the supplements offered (particularly phyto) - Organise the recognition of certain professions (naturopaths, traditional Chinese medicine, foot reflexologists, sofrology, somathopaths, etc.) to improve the confidence of the general public and avoid charlatanism
I am MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) and EHS (Electro-Hyper-Sensitive). I need health practitioners trained in the knowledge of these pathologies and who can propose allopathic treatments (general practitioners, holistic dentists, gynaecologists...)
I need alternative medicine to be an integral part of the range of therapies offered to patients and reimbursed by insurance companies, and for everyone to be able to use it in prevention with complete confidence.
I need the benefits of integrative health to be taken into account by public policies: recognised diplomas/certifications, reimbursement by the Health Insurance ....
I need my body to be taken care of as a whole. Body-mind. And as much as possible in prevention. Don't they say "prevention is better than cure"?
I need to take care of myself and my family with so-called alternative medicines such as acupuncture, naturopathy or osteopathy... and to go and see my GP when necessary. At the moment, alternative medicine is not covered, which is not always easy financially, especially when you have children.
I need easy access to preventive medicine, with naturopathy, herbal medicine, osteopathy, massage, aromatherapy, recognised and reimbursed. I would also like to have easy access to health trails, bicycle paths, and the sea for everyone. A school education on health prevention, with courses on dietetics and ecology.

Your testimonials...

In severe depression, I turned to hypnosis. It was a real discovery and certainly saved me. For several years I have continued to sort out many things and I live much better. I am no longer constantly ill, I get less angry and it does a real good.


I have been chemically sensitive for 12 years; my medical wandering was long despite numerous consultations; until the day I found the SOS MCS association which enabled me to put a name to my illness and to know that I was not alone in suffering from these "strange" ailments. It took me 2 years of research to reach a diagnosis; as for care and treatment, still nothing!

Sudden onset in June 2009 with an asthma attack during a consultation (first asthma attack in my life, so no treatment available to me). The attacks were repeated (treatment of the symptoms was started) and research into the causes: the perfumed products worn by my patients (perfumes, toiletries, washing powder and fabric softeners, .... ) quickly appeared to be the triggering factors. A google search for "perfume and asthma" led me to a Canadian association, the Lung Association, which did not want me, then to the French association, the ASEF (Association Santé Environnement France) where I found information on MCS or chemosensitivity; finally, I found the association SOS MCS, phew! In the meantime, multiple consultations, distress, aggressiveness, even towards my patients and my relations who did not understand my handicap (invisible). I decided to change my personal and professional environment from top to bottom, to be able to continue living and working. In spite of everything, continuous confinement: because I had to give up a number of activities (theatre, cinema, public transport like the train, holidays, outings, ......................... ) . Confinement for health reasons does not really bother us, we are used to it!

I enclose a radio broadcast: Listen to the RADIOMEGA podcast "In the shadow of old patience - MCS Syndrome".


centre-sante-amandine-62I am the founder of a centre for integrative medicine. To think and create it, I based myself on the feedback and needs expressed by my patients, as well as my own. I have been used to hospitals since I was 15 years old for the treatment of leukaemia, and I was confronted with a lack of coherence in the care pathway: a highly parameterised, protocolised medicine where each specialist has a precise field of action, without taking into account my person in his or her entirety, without taking into account the side effects of the treatments ("it's normal"...), nor the emotional, social, family and spiritual repercussions, in a framework that is not very conducive to a return to health. Based on my own experience, I decided to take care in a different way, to give back to the patient the main place in his journey and to accompany him in a benevolent and holistic way and to offer him a natural, warm and welcoming care environment. This model of health care is so much more enriching for the patient and also the carer.


I am ehs mcs and intolerant to lots of stuff gluten lactose additives E95X etc. The common factor in all my ailments is the change in my environment and its food components. If I had lived 100 years ago I would never have been ill. Today I can't stay where I've been sprayed, I can hardly eat anything (remove milk and wheat (and gluten) from your diet. I had my thyroid removed because medicine said it was in my head! Yes of course in the heads of the madmen who create anything to make money at the expense of people's health.

My proposal: remove everything that makes you sick: dental mercury composites and aluminium in all forms that put heavy metals in the body and make you sick, eradicate lyme disease as soon as symptoms appear, followed by antibiotic treatment, which will prevent low-level illnesses, various bacterial infections and candida, prohibit, without external control, the marketing of all their industry products that create nothing but poisons and say that they are not harmful because they will never do the real studies that prove it. (truly independent lab)! I know that all my ailments will kill me I just hope that in the future no one will live like me sick from my environment.


If each therapist knows how to stay in his or her place within the framework of public health management, bridges can be built between the medical profession and therapists in "unregulated care". Competence, experience, knowledge of each other's skills and mutual respect are necessary. GETCOP works towards the experimentation and evaluation of complementary therapies for their scientific assessment in a conventional environment.


Chemically sensitive since my birth, my mother having taken synthetic hormones during pregnancy; this pathology has worsened during my life. I also suffered from chronic heavy metal intoxication (Mercury...) due to numerous dental metal amalgams in my mouth; I became ElectroHyperSensitive in 2014 with the arrival of 4G with a new Smartphone. These two pathologies, still poorly recognised in France, isolate patients more and more by complicating their personal and social lives (strong intolerance to synthetic chemical molecules (drugs, cosmetic perfumes and cleaning products) and to low and high frequency electromagnetic fields (waves) (compact fluorescent light bulbs, Wifi, mobile phones, Bluetooth, alarm detectors, LINKY PLC meters, communicating water and gas meters, 4G, 5G, any object connected by electromagnetic waves, etc.)


The health of tomorrow? Well, it will be the one we weave today! How? .... Raising awareness of the need to integrate practices and therapies related to prevention and well-being into health. For the respect and evolution of human health in a changing society. For whom? .... for the good of others and the quality of life. Together let's build the future.... here and now!


phb-cabinet-consultationMy health needs have been part of an integrative health and care pathway for many years. I have sought out therapies - for prevention or curative support - provided by practitioners who are keen to integrate non-medicinal approaches among the range of therapies available to them (homeopathy, acupuncture, osteopathy, energy practices, hypnosis, balneotherapy, adapted physical activity, etc.).

My requests and expectations found a resonance with therapists who, very early in their professional career, knew how to combine complementary health interventions. They responded to my wish to be taken care of as a person, thus giving a concrete place to a holistic medicine treating my health needs in their globality and my wish to be fully involved in it. This association of approaches, integrated with discernment and relevance, placed me at the heart of a humanistic and benevolent therapeutic alliance. This is part of a vision of integrative medicine and "a medicine of the person".


old oak-peterhof

"Oaks in Old Peterhof", Ivan CHICHKINE, (1891) evokes for me a symbol of integrative medicine: the roots in academic knowledge and the association, through the crowns of oak trees, with complementary health interventions.

My 2 1/2 year old's ear infection was diagnosed by my GP who prescribed antibiotics. We did not give them. She was treated by an osteopath, a specialist in infants and children in a hospital, who manipulated the ear. She also massaged the stomach to get rid of the accumulated mucus in the stomach. In 2-3 sessions, she redirected the duct to allow proper drainage. The mucus ended up in the stool, everything worked as she explained. Osteopathy can cure many ailments. Always think about it before considering medication.


The approach to health is changing to take into account the whole person and not just the symptoms. Our institutions will not be able to contain this immense expectation of the population for more listening, consideration, less mechanical care, more humanity in the relationship in short.


You too can... Get involved!