Special Podcasthon with Christine Belhomme

Special Podcasthon: with Christine Belhomme, founder of Allié SANTÉ

The Podcasthon, is a unique operation that brings together 350 French-speaking podcasters, during one week to support voluntary associations, NGOs and non-profit organizations. Sonia Bellouti is part of these podcasters, she chose to interview Christine Belhomme, founder of Allié SANTÉ for her special Podcasthon episode.

Sonia Bellouti is a plant storyteller, a modern-day witch. She has a diploma in scientific phyto-aromatherapy and is an actress of complementary and natural medicines for a global health and well-being. In this special episode dedicated to the Podcasthon, she is with Christine Belhomme, project creator and founder of Allié SANTÉ.

Having trained in business school, Christine Belhomme never imagined she would work in the healthcare field. However, in 2001, her life took an unexpected turn when her baby became seriously ill, leading her to discover the world of care. This intense personal experience turned into a career change a few years later. As a specialist in health and environmental issues, Christine is particularly interested in the Health Footprint of products and services. 

Her approach consists in helping companies to take into consideration the impact of their activities on the health of populations. As the head of this organization, Allié SANTÉ, she is at the microphone of Sonia Bellouti to talk about her latest project, the realization of the film "Viens Voir ! Is the medicine of tomorrow being developed?


Christine Belhomme: " Integrative health is the art of combining conventional medicine and complementary practices, otherwise known as Non-Medicinal Interventions, taking into account the person in his or her globality: body, emotion, beliefs, motivation... It is a personalized, participatory approach where the patient becomes an actor in his or her health. It is an interdisciplinary approach since multiple actors are involved, particularly in the health pathways around the patient. It is a preventive and therapeutic approach, which aims at the patient's autonomy, well-being and healing."

Sonia Bellouti : @conteuse.vegetale - Podcasthon : @podcasthon

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